"Hráči toužili po možnosti SSD již dlouho a prosby byly vyslyšeny, PS5 ho již bude v základu obsahovat..."
Tak na toto som strasne zvedavy, lebo pouzivat SSD na hry moze byt z pohladu rychlosti fajn, na druhej strane by som sa obaval o jeho zivotnost. Pokial by tam dali 1TB TLC SSD, tak navysia cenu konzoly povedzme o $50 (pri MLC este viac) oproti HDD. Pokial by isli do nejakych QLC sitov, alebo nizsiu kapacitu, tak riskuju skore umieranie SSD, lebo uzivatelia budu instalovat terabajty dat kvoli hram...
SSD pouzivam roky vo vsetkych PC na system/programy, ale user data/hry zatial stale na HDD... Pri konzolach, si myslim, ze uzivatelia maju bezne zaplneny HDD hrami, ved komu by sa chcelo neustale tahat terabajty z webu... a tu si myslim, ze tie SSD budu dost umierat, lebo Samsungy s 10 rocnou zarukou tam asi veru davat nebudu...
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"Hráči toužili po možnosti
NRX https://cdr.cz/profil/nrx
17. 4. 2019 - 12:01https://cdr.cz/clanek/zname-prvni-detaily-o-playstation-5-stare-hry-nevyhazujte-jeste-se-budou-hodit/diskuse"Hráči toužili po možnosti SSD již dlouho a prosby byly vyslyšeny, PS5 ho již bude v základu obsahovat..."
Tak na toto som strasne zvedavy, lebo pouzivat SSD na hry moze byt z pohladu rychlosti fajn, na druhej strane by som sa obaval o jeho zivotnost. Pokial by tam dali 1TB TLC SSD, tak navysia cenu konzoly povedzme o $50 (pri MLC este viac) oproti HDD. Pokial by isli do nejakych QLC sitov, alebo nizsiu kapacitu, tak riskuju skore umieranie SSD, lebo uzivatelia budu instalovat terabajty dat kvoli hram...
SSD pouzivam roky vo vsetkych PC na system/programy, ale user data/hry zatial stale na HDD... Pri konzolach, si myslim, ze uzivatelia maju bezne zaplneny HDD hrami, ved komu by sa chcelo neustale tahat terabajty z webu... a tu si myslim, ze tie SSD budu dost umierat, lebo Samsungy s 10 rocnou zarukou tam asi veru davat nebudu...https://cdr.cz/clanek/zname-prvni-detaily-o-playstation-5-stare-hry-nevyhazujte-jeste-se-budou-hodit/diskuse#comment-1249568
Chceš teda povedať že Windows10 menej opotrebováva SSDéčka než bude PS5ka ?
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Chceš teda povedať že
Gaunter https://cdr.cz/profil/anton-gajdos
17. 4. 2019 - 15:46https://cdr.cz/clanek/zname-prvni-detaily-o-playstation-5-stare-hry-nevyhazujte-jeste-se-budou-hodit/diskuseChceš teda povedať že Windows10 menej opotrebováva SSDéčka než bude PS5ka ?https://cdr.cz/clanek/zname-prvni-detaily-o-playstation-5-stare-hry-nevyhazujte-jeste-se-budou-hodit/diskuse#comment-1249658
In case you missed it: AMD has now officially announced its new Ryzen™ Embedded R1000 SoC in a press release on April 16th, 2019. They proudly mention the Atari VCS partnership and included the following quote from Atari:
“With the AMD Ryzen Embedded R1000 powering the Atari VCS, we can support the 4K 60fps HDR content that users expect from a modern, secure gaming and entertainment system.” said Michael Arzt, COO of Atari Connected Devices. “AMD’s new Ryzen Embedded SoC will also help protect the VCS’ environment and content as we support an unprecedented open-access model that allows Atari’s highly-creative community to install any other operating system side by side with the Atari OS.”
You can also check out AMD’s Ryzen Embedded R1000 release trailer here.
Below are the specs straight from AMD:
We are thrilled to be among the first companies to utilize this exciting new AMD product. We are also honored to be partnered with AMD and incredibly pleased with how well everything is proceeding with the Atari VCS project thanks to their assistance.
Ryzen architektura kam se v budoucím konzolovém světě podíváš ....
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In case you missed it: AMD
Xspy https://cdr.cz/profil/xspy
21. 4. 2019 - 01:07https://cdr.cz/clanek/zname-prvni-detaily-o-playstation-5-stare-hry-nevyhazujte-jeste-se-budou-hodit/diskuseIn case you missed it: AMD has now officially announced its new Ryzen™ Embedded R1000 SoC in a press release on April 16th, 2019. They proudly mention the Atari VCS partnership and included the following quote from Atari:
“With the AMD Ryzen Embedded R1000 powering the Atari VCS, we can support the 4K 60fps HDR content that users expect from a modern, secure gaming and entertainment system.” said Michael Arzt, COO of Atari Connected Devices. “AMD’s new Ryzen Embedded SoC will also help protect the VCS’ environment and content as we support an unprecedented open-access model that allows Atari’s highly-creative community to install any other operating system side by side with the Atari OS.”
You can also check out AMD’s Ryzen Embedded R1000 release trailer here.
Below are the specs straight from AMD:
We are thrilled to be among the first companies to utilize this exciting new AMD product. We are also honored to be partnered with AMD and incredibly pleased with how well everything is proceeding with the Atari VCS project thanks to their assistance.
Ryzen architektura kam se v budoucím konzolovém světě podíváš ....https://cdr.cz/clanek/zname-prvni-detaily-o-playstation-5-stare-hry-nevyhazujte-jeste-se-budou-hodit/diskuse#comment-1250156
"Hráči toužili po možnosti SSD již dlouho a prosby byly vyslyšeny, PS5 ho již bude v základu obsahovat..."
Tak na toto som strasne zvedavy, lebo pouzivat SSD na hry moze byt z pohladu rychlosti fajn, na druhej strane by som sa obaval o jeho zivotnost. Pokial by tam dali 1TB TLC SSD, tak navysia cenu konzoly povedzme o $50 (pri MLC este viac) oproti HDD. Pokial by isli do nejakych QLC sitov, alebo nizsiu kapacitu, tak riskuju skore umieranie SSD, lebo uzivatelia budu instalovat terabajty dat kvoli hram...
SSD pouzivam roky vo vsetkych PC na system/programy, ale user data/hry zatial stale na HDD... Pri konzolach, si myslim, ze uzivatelia maju bezne zaplneny HDD hrami, ved komu by sa chcelo neustale tahat terabajty z webu... a tu si myslim, ze tie SSD budu dost umierat, lebo Samsungy s 10 rocnou zarukou tam asi veru davat nebudu...
Chceš teda povedať že Windows10 menej opotrebováva SSDéčka než bude PS5ka ?
In case you missed it: AMD has now officially announced its new Ryzen™ Embedded R1000 SoC in a press release on April 16th, 2019. They proudly mention the Atari VCS partnership and included the following quote from Atari:
“With the AMD Ryzen Embedded R1000 powering the Atari VCS, we can support the 4K 60fps HDR content that users expect from a modern, secure gaming and entertainment system.” said Michael Arzt, COO of Atari Connected Devices. “AMD’s new Ryzen Embedded SoC will also help protect the VCS’ environment and content as we support an unprecedented open-access model that allows Atari’s highly-creative community to install any other operating system side by side with the Atari OS.”
You can also check out AMD’s Ryzen Embedded R1000 release trailer here.
Below are the specs straight from AMD:
We are thrilled to be among the first companies to utilize this exciting new AMD product. We are also honored to be partnered with AMD and incredibly pleased with how well everything is proceeding with the Atari VCS project thanks to their assistance.
Ryzen architektura kam se v budoucím konzolovém světě podíváš ....
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